
Wednesday Jul 11, 2012
Why still get security Warning message even the SSL certificate is installed?
Wednesday Jul 11, 2012
Wednesday Jul 11, 2012
Some SSL providers request the SSL must have an unique IP address. So the security warning message still occurs in some browsers such as chrome. Under Firefox it will be fine. If you want to solve this IP issue, please contact us,we'll apply for a new unique IP address for you. It costs $5o,if you purchased SSL certificate from us, we'll take part this cost, otherwise, you need to pay for it by yourself. We'll inform you the new IP address, and you only need to login your DNS accout and set it as follows: 1)Set the 'A Record', @=>New IP Address If your own domain with 'www' (eg: www.abc.com), two more steps 2)Point 'www'=>New IP Adress, 3) Remove 'CNAME' setting if you ever set it.

Thursday May 26, 2011
Miiduu Own Domain Site Email How To
Thursday May 26, 2011
Thursday May 26, 2011
For those who use their own domain with their MiiDuu store and would like corresponding e-mail accounts, such as sales@mydomain.com , Google Apps is a great free service.
You can sign up for Google Apps for free at http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/group/index.html
After signing up Google Apps, you need to set up your DNS MX record. You can follow Google's instructions on how to configure email delivery at http://www.google.com/support/a/bin/answer.py?answer=33352
Google gives the follow example of how to set up your MX Record in GoDaddy:

Tuesday Sep 07, 2010
How do I map my MiiDuu store to a subdomain, such as store.yourdomainname.com?
Tuesday Sep 07, 2010
Tuesday Sep 07, 2010
If the store is just a part of your website and you do not want your domain name to go directly to your store, you can create a store.yourdomainname.com address as well. To do this, you will need to add a CNAME record by clicking “Add new CNAME record” button. In the “create new CNAME” page, enter the subdomain that you want to use. For example, if you want to use http://store.yourdomainname.com to map to your MiiDuu store site http://username.miiduu.com, you will set “alias name” as “store”, host name as “storename.miiduu.com”

Tuesday Sep 07, 2010
Tuesday Sep 07, 2010
If you want to map your own domain site to your MiiDuu store with both http://mydomainname.com and http://www.mydomainname.com , you can set up the DNS in GoDaddy to do so. First you'll want to ping your store (storename.miiduu.com) and figure out your IP address. To do this, click on "Run" from your Start menu in Windows. Enter "CMD" into the text box and click "run". A black window with white text will pop up. Simply enter "ping storename.miiduu.com" and the IP address for your site will be displayed in brackets [ ]. Then in your GoDaddy DNS page, where it says "Host name" it should be filled in "@" and where it says "Points to the IP Address" you'll simply copy in the IP address to your site.

Tuesday Sep 07, 2010
How to set own domain for my Miiduu store?
Tuesday Sep 07, 2010
Tuesday Sep 07, 2010
There are 2 steps to set your own domain for your MiiDuu store:
Step 1: Set the DNS record to map your domain to your MiiDuu site.
Step 2: Change your MiiDuu store settings to reflect your own domain.
For more detailed directions, read the following :
Step 1: Set the DNS record to map your domain to your MiiDuu site.
There are 2 ways to set the DNS record to point to your MiiDuu store: a) First, set the CNAME record to map to your MiiDuu store URL at storename.miiduu.com . If the store is just a part of your website or if your domain registrar already provides you email services etc, this is the recomended method.A CNAME DNS record will looks like:
www IN CNAME storename.miiduu.com
For example, if you register your domain with Godaddy.com, you can go to GoDaddy.com. Login to your GoDaddy account and click “Domains” to show all of your domains. Then click the domain name that you want to assign to your store.
1) At this point you will see a “Domain Details” page. Click the "Launch" link in DNS Manager section.
3) Edit the “CNAME” record to map “www” to your MiiDuu site, e.g. http://storename.miiduu.com. Set the “alias name” to “www”, and the host name to “storename.miiduu.com”
Step 2: Change your MiiDuu store settings to reflect your own domain.
1) Log into to your Miiduu account, you’ll want to go to the "System" tab and click on “Own Domain” in the dropdown menu.2) From there you will decide if you would like to purchase an SSL certificate for your own domain. We strongly recommend this feature as it makes sure the check out process and your customer account pages are in secure https mode. However, it is entirely up to you.